Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The hell...?

Are these people SERIOUS?!
First of all, I'm not understanding why people are calling this health care reform "Obama's Health Plan" or "Obamacare". It isn't HIS plan. There's a House bill and there's a Senate bill, neither of which President Obama has yet to place his signature. HE didn't come up with ANYTHING on either bills. Congress did. The ONLY thing the Prez did was adapt the IDEA of a universal health care plan to revise the system and help those who currently cannot afford health care, and left the planning up to the members of Congress. It's the same idea that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had when she ran for president during the Democratic primaries.
Second of all, this ad was filmed and released based on the "beliefs" of 12% of voters? Hell, half the damn country believes in Big Foot and UFOs. Besides, according to that exact same Rasmussen report, 67% disagreed with the sentiment that opponents of the HCR are racist, while 21% were not sure. I guess any small amount was significantly enough to prompt an ad campaign. #ChilePlease
I'll be honest: I'm not one to pull the race card in every situation and I do believe that SOME of the opposition to the Obama administration's agenda is fueled by racism. I just don't believe ALL of the opposition is based on racism. Yes, racism still exists and a lot of people in this country are racist, however, I doubt that many Americans are accusing the entire opposition to HCR as racist at ALL. Nope, just that supposedly measly "12%" we're soooo worried about.
This video is a ridiculously idiotic move generated by right-wing conservatives as a defense for an imaginary attack. The video in itself is practically racist. Notice that there's only TWO Blacks, ONE Asian and ONE Hispanic out of a total of 21 people. Sadly, these people, I believe, were paid actors selected to participate in this video. I mean, do you really believe ALL of them are the least bit of a racist in real life, even the little 3 year old? Yeah, sure Republicans, that little "racist" baby knows how to agree or oppose on a major political or social issue. *Insert sarcasm here*
Mr. President will not have an easy term and will continue to scrutinized based on his skin color, and that is the truth. In case some people didn't know or fail to realize, the Prez isn't 100% Black anyway. Shocking? Yeah, you were only looking at the shade of his skin. That is complete and blatant disrespect to his mother and maternal grandparents, all of whom are white.
Anyway, the health care reform is a serious issue in an attempt to revamp the current hack of a health care system to help the poor people, in which the majority is non-white. Racist? Maybe, maybe not. Why anybody would oppose to health care assistance that could replace what they're paying an arm and a leg for is beyond me. In fact, I'm not even seeing how this overhaul is going to be a "government-run system", only that it's going to be accessible to all so that the industry doesn't rip people off as they have been doing for years. If only people would take the time and do some research. Whether you agree with me or not, I support HCR. I hope people are smart enough to see this 'advertisement' for what it is.

If anything, the Tea Party of 2009 was full of blatant racists.

1 comment:

UrSoVain said...

Well of course its nothing but people who dislike Obama because of his ethnicity. That's BLATANTLY CLEAR. Sure, some of the opposition may be to his policies but if you look at these rallies and the boards these people are hold up, they tell a slightly different story about where these people's heads are at. This is just to remind everyone that racism isn't going anywhere and no matter what, as long as you're of a non WASP decent (or female), you will be vilified to the point of not being human in our country. This country is run by a particular type of person, none of which look like you or have your best interest in mind.

In an News segment on the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, one of her guests Melissa Harris- Blackwell, a black professor at Princeton University, made a really good point. The other guest brought up how in Switzerland and other countries, their universal health care system is basically run on morality; that people shouldn't die because they cant afford health care. Melissa Harris- Blackwell went on to say: "Let's also remember that we're talking about more ethnically homogeneous countries where they can make this 'dont let anybody die" argument. The fact is, that in our country we are more willing to let those who are different from us suffer.."

And shes absolutely right.