Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love Knocks You Down...

Have you ever grew strong feelings of like for someone that you want to be with them? The two of you talk for a while, start hanging out...having intimate moments of conversation. You reveal your feelings to them and they somewhat vaguely tell you in a why they like you. Crazy feelings of emotions you go through you've never experienced before. However, you agree to remain on the friends level but hope somewhere in the very near future, you'll become more than just friends.

It doesn't happen. They meet someone else and introduce you to them. You play nice like everything is fine. But it's not. Or you start to realize that maybe they just don't want you. You're hurt, broken-hearted and torn apart. You feel all kinds of emotions you've never felt before.

I've been there once before and it feels like I'm there again. I don't want to be. Why is it so hard to let it go?


UrSoVain said...
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UrSoVain said...

If they liked you, the two of you would have pursued something together then. Not in the future. But yeah i feel you on that, its difficult liking someone who doesn't like you back. We tend to create this grand illusion in our heads of how nice things would be if the two of you were together. We hope that if we like someone enough, it would be enough to get them to see how great we are and why you're the only choice. As time goes on the feelings will fade of course, maybe not completely... but to a point that is less than what it feels like now. For me i'd just remind myself every time i think about them and "what if"... that they are not interested in what i have to offer.

Mr. FreeXone said...

Welcome to LOVE

deonte' k said...

I agree with Pep!!!