Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homosexuality, Race and Religion

As you all know, I have a tumblr and last night, things got a bit serious on the very sensitive subjects of homosexuality, religion and race. From what I gathered, someone didn’t understand how the GLTB community compares themselves to Blacks. From there, I’m not surprised it escalated into a religious debate by “Christians”. (Quotations are there for a reason.) Here’s my two cents:
I just wish people would use their brains to the fullest potential and realize that the GLBT community isn’t trying to compare themselves to the black race but the FIGHT and STRUGGLE for their CIVIL RIGHTS as our African-American ancestors have done for us. Please, do not confuse that with the fight against water hoses and police batons, segregated schools and neighborhoods, or burning crosses in their front lawn. However, they do endure the same type of discrimination: physical, sometimes violent or fatal, and verbal. While blacks had to fight against whites who brought them into slavery for some hundred years and left them deprived of their basic rights as American citizens for nearly another hundred, the gay community has to butt heads with the over-zealous religious community, homophobes and neo-nazi radicals. Guess what? The GLBT community are American citizens, too, and deserves to have their basic rights just as we did. To be honest, I do not understand, for the life of me, how ANY black person, after all the things that our ancestors had to go through to get us where we are today, can discriminate against any other group of people, whether its the GLBT community, whites, Asians, Mexicans, etc. In fact, the black struggle is far from over.
Some people believes that being gay is a choice. Some believes it is natural, while others may believe that it is a result of an unfortunate event that occurred to them as a child. I personally believe all three. I believe it could be a choice based on experimenting and saying “Oh this is better!” I believe a person can be born gay just as a person can be born straight (and if you do some research, you’ll find that this has been scientifically proven). And lastly, the result of an event that could be rape, incest, molestation or perhaps that’s the environment the individual has known and grew up around. An individual who is gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans-gendered doesn’t make them any less of a human being as anyone else nor does it make them any lesser in God’s eyes. 
“God does not like the ACT of gay.” I can see where you’re going with this, and many may have not used their comprehensive skills as I did; however, if there is no “act of homosexuality” then gays wouldn’t exist. They’re the only ones, and some straights who experiment, who commit acts of homosexuality so I can understand how many may take that statement as meaning God doesn’t like gay people. Who are WE to say what God likes or doesn’t like. I could say that He doesn’t like the white boy sitting next to me but in actuality, God may like him more than He likes me. A gay man who goes to church every Sunday probably has a better chance at entering the Kingdom of Heaven than the straightest man who only shows up for Easter. We know what the Bible says; it’s there in black and white text. The problem is the “Christians” who preach the Bible, not according to their own interpretations but what was taught and embedded into their brain as they grew up. Most don’t take the time to actually read and research for themselves, which they could discover so much as I did. I dare you to ask a Christian that claims to read and know the Good Book about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. If the words “homosexuals” or “gays” come up, they didn’t read or research anything because the story makes no mention in any way. So why homosexuality is tied with the word “sodomy” and the story? “Christians”. Overly zealous religious groups that only chooses to single out certain things in the Bible that THEY don’t like. Some of them bearing tattoos, wearing mixed garments of fabric, has cut their hair or shaved their beard, eating pork and shellfish. Some of them have been divorced and remarried, committed adultery or incest, rape or murder. The Bible address all of these sins as the same but the “Christians” address homosexuality as worse. Then comes the “God hates…” or “God says this or that” arguments. This is when I believe they become ignorant and there is no point in continuing the argument because their so-called points become invalid. Did these “Christians” forget let he who is without sin case the first stone? We don’t get to judge who’s going to hell and who’s not. No one sin is greater than the other. God loves each individual as much as the next person. God is love, or did we forget that? The only judgment that matters is God. 
Did you know?: Homosexuality was widely accepted, mostly during ancient Roman and Greek times for long before the Biblical times, when the white men came along with their “Christian” views. The King James version was selected from many versions by the Catholics as the “official version”. The Bible was also used to justify the enslavement of Africans, discrimination and segregation, and war. 

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