I recently uploaded this pic as a new default on Twitter.
Bad enough I don't like to take pictures because I almost always never like how I look. But I chose this because it was the first photo of me with my newly retwisted and longer 'locs'.
Later, while I was on Twitter, I noticed I had just lost a follower. As if on cue, I see a tweet from someone I follow:
"Is it bad that I unfollowed someone because of their avatar? #shallow"Sure enough, thanks to who.unfollowed.me, I confirmed that he was the one that unfollowed...and it was because of my default pic. When I tweeted him, "lol nah you good", all he could say was "eeeeep!" knowing he had been caught.
That really changed my whole mood for the rest of the evening. I changed the picture and sat looking through every photo of me and not liking what I saw. I know I'm not cute at all but to see that I'm that ugly enough for people to unfollow or de-friend me...
I really wish I could see what most of y'all see in me because I can only see what that person saw.