Monday, January 18, 2010

Congrats to the Beast...

First, let me just say congrats to actress/talk-show host and screaming banshee queen Mo'Nique on her win at last night's Golden Globes. The much-deserved win was for her supporting actress role of Mary in the critically acclaimed film, "Precious".

Second...Mo'Nique. Now, hunny, you are headed to the Oscars, dah'lin. Please, please, PLEASE...SHAVE THOSE DAMN LEGS!!!!!!


Also congrats to my aunt Meryl Streep and my girl Drew Barrymore. #Shoutout to err'body else.


Mr. FreeXone said...

lmao. oop!

deonte' k said...

LOL.. now she knows better!!!! and LMAO @ aunt Meryl Streep.... what did Drew win for?

AJ said...

Chile, I don't know what the hell Drew won for and frankly, I don't care. Just glad she won lol.