Monday, March 14, 2011

ATL Diaries: Catching up...

So my life is becoming quite a bit active that I haven't really been updating as much.

Well, that and Tumblr is occupying most of my time. But that's not why we're here.

Gym is paying off. I'm now down 8 lbs since starting. I fit in size 38, size XL (notice ONE "x"), my favorite camo shorts now require a belt which still doesn't hold them up, my work uniform is getting too big...or I'm shrinking. I'm on my way!!

One of the new outfits I bought when I went shopping. Yes, the XL shirt and the 38x30 slim straight jeans. Ignore the pose. I just felt damn fabulous that day. And my butt is kind of filling out. *Stares in the mirror*

I've also noticed that I've been gaining some confidence in myself. Yay, me! Now, that doesn't mean I think of myself as sexy, cute, handsome and all those things. It's just some confidence. Until I get a little more, I still consider myself is not cute, sexy, handsome and all those overrated words.

Over the weekend, my bff and I went to the Royal Comedy Tour to see Bruce Bruce, D.L. Hughley, Sommore and some other people I never heard of but they were all frickin' hilarious! Yes, even Mr. Hughley. That was a surprise.
And as you can see, my hair is twisted again. This time I'm trying to let it lock. Three weeks so far. I kinda don't like it now because it seems different from the way I wanted.
What yall think? *btw, it's time for some retwisting of the roots...looking a little rough here*

Anyway, that's the T in the life of AJ. Until next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stop lying to yourself. You are cute, sexy and all that boy!! You have have to tell youself that. Live it, Own it, Love it! Fuck the haters LOL