Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Victoria Jackson...

So some supposedly "famous" old bitch named Victoria Jackson has decided to use her so-called "Christian" values to condemn gays and gay rights after watching an episode of Glee where Kurt and Blaine shared an on-screen kiss. Apparently, society and youth innocence is being robbed and destroyed. She even brings up the "Christian's" most prized treasure written by mankind...the Bible. She decided to overlook all the other sins in God's "word" that some dude named James who was a King of something that I don't really care about  wrote as if God sat at the table and told him to write this book...which the timeline spans over thousands of years.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in God. I just don't believe in religion.

But somebody please tell me...who the fuck is this bitch?

1 comment:

sc8709 said...

Victoria who? She's a non muthafuckin factor...