Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Single for the rest of my life?

After some thought, I decided I'd rather be single. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'll be lonely, sad and horny all the time...blah blah blah. Well, Palmer and Handrew have been just fine for me for this long.

Okay, I'm kidding.

I'm just at the point where I believe being boo'd up is overrated. Love is a bitch, too. I hate to be cliche but it's true. I've always feared rejection, and it happened more than I liked this year alone. Hell, one I even fell for and it took a while to get over. Either I've been misreading signals or...whatever. From now on, I think I'll just beware of anyone supposedly showing interest and keep my feelings to myself.

Who knows what the future holds...


sc8709 said...

LMFAO @ Palmer & Handrew

deonte' k said...

I've been here trust me.... and lol @Palmer & Handrew