Sunday, June 27, 2010

Insecurity? Maybe...

I never think I’m “cute”, “fooiiiiiiiine” or “sexy”. Not even “attractive”. My friends all think I’m crazy because I actually believe I’m unattractive. Sometimes I go around saying I’m ugly, lol. But seriously, when I look in a mirror, I don’t see the cuteness or the sexy. I see a normal average joe that would get no attention…and I’m perfectly fine with that. There’s nothing wrong with being conceited; it’s just that being that way has never been for me. Some people are conceited even when they shouldn’t be. I know, that’s mean but it’s the truth. Anyway, whenever people tell me how good I look, I lowkey blush and like it even if I don’t agree. That’s just how it is.


sc8709 said...

AWWWWWW bestie...I feel the same way about myself

UrSoVain said...

Not everyone wants to be beautiful. Comes with a lot of baggage. When settling down though, people prefer average anyway.

deonte' k said...

I think your a very handsome guy buddy.... and I used to feel the same way... but when I started to feel beautiful inside as a person, it started to show outside. ;)

Not saying this about u, I'm just saying this about myself. ;)

But I loves u, and ur beautiful to me! ;)