Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Black Women are mad...again!

So, earlier I was sitting here watching Miss Jia and Slim Thug go back and forth on…Twitter. (I'm on Twitter break but took a lil peak)

I'm guessing she mad.

You see, Slim authored a blog entry (yep, you read that right) for Vibe Online on the subject of black women and there high standards. Basically, he touched on how they have too high/unrealistic standards when looking for love among black men, their anger and bitterness, and blaming black men for their relationship issues. He also touched on the subject of interracial dating and white women, and how black men AND black women need to step their game up.

So Miss Jia naturally, like most black women, got MAD and started her post on the issue with the statement: I am so sick of everybody in the world trying to psychoanalyze Black women and why we’re single.
Um, y'all been doing it to yourselves AND to black men. For YEARS!! And was there NOT interviews and specials on the relationship issues and black men featuring BLACK WOMEN aired 20/20, Nightline, MSNBC etc.?

What Miss Jia got from reading his blog: Black women ain’t sh-t. 
Talking about REACHIN'! Hell-fuckin-lo!!!!! I could have sworn I've heard, read and saw black women saying practically everyday that same exact thing about us black men.

I'm trying to understand why is it okay for black women to diss, generalize and psychoanalyze all black men (in their words "black men ain't shit") but it's a problem if black men do the same about black women? I mean, they get MAD. Kinda stupid, isn't it? 

Now let me be honest, it does go BOTH ways but 98 percent of the time its the women. Let a dude say ONE thing, women will practically jump him. They get pretty hostile and angry if/when the situation is reversed, like it's okay for them to do it but not okay for black men to do it.

But I 've come to realize that most black women, and this isn't a generalization, are negative. All they speak is negativity but they damn sure don't like it when it's directed at them.

Lemme say this to both black women AND men: STOP DOWNING AND DISSING YOUR OWN PEOPLE! If you don't like being generalized negatively, don't do the same to anyone else. I swear black people are the most negative group on this planet. 


sc8709 said...

Hmph...I agree! I read Slim Thugs entry and it made a lot of sense. Black women are VERY negative, but men can be negative as well.

UrSoVain said...

I think a lot of the negativity on the black women's part is because of the lack of understanding of the plight of the black man. Because a lot of black men don't graduate high school... or even go to college... they make less money. So from there they can't reach black women's standards. At least not financially anyway. But who are all these black women still messing with though? I'm sure they aren't all single and going to bed alone each night? But even still... black men aren't the nicest towards black women either.