Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The gear has shifted from Drive to Reverse...

And that's where this country seems to be heading as a result of the midterm election...backwards.

Republicans has regained the control of the House. Democrats keeps control of the Senate.

The economy has stabilized but it's not recovering as fast as we want. However, an eight-year mess cannot be cleaned in less than 2. Unfortunately, people REFUSE to see that and expected an overnight miracle. It takes time and work. And the GOP and the Tea-baggers (lmao) were already fighting in opposition to everything President Obama and the Dems where trying to do. Two years ago, they had their eyes set on this election. So they did what they had to do. Took the small negatives and blew it up. Scare tactics. Sadly but not surprising in true political fashion, lies. (The Dems aren't that innocent either.) People are so gullible to believe everything they're told instead of researching on their own. This wasn't a presidential election but it was still a crucial and important one, and it shapes up the next presidential election, in which the GOP now have their eyes set on.

President Obama is willing to work with the Republicans but I highly doubt he'll get the cooperation he needs from them. The GOP wants to do away with entitlement benefits - kiss your Medicare and Social Security check goodbye, senior citizens because majority of your age group voted for them. The GOP wants to do away with education spending and the department. They're not going to help college students.  They want to repeal health care reform but it will not happen as long as the Prez has the power to veto. (I don't see why they can't make amendments instead). One of the newly acquired Republican seats, the winner (name forgotten) stated that there was no rich, poor or middle class. Paul Rand stated "we came to take our government back".

The same government that got us into this mess. The same government that Americans voted for. The same government that Americans were mad and fed up with for getting us into this mess. The Dems had 2 years. Let's see what the elephants can do in less than 2.

So, no, I don't want to hear ANY complaints because YOU made the decision of who should run the country. Even if you DIDN'T vote. Hell, if you didn't, do NOT speak to me.

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